Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Retreat Top Ten

1. rest
2. time with God
3. a conversation on the Holy Spirit with Tiff, Marianne, and Trueblood
4. a conversation with three older women from the church - topics ranged from boys, to going back to work after the kids grow up, to seeking God in the single life, etc.
5. sleeping outside with Trueblood and the bats. We didn't get much sleep with the little critters buzzing over our heads the whole night
6. beautiful weather
7. a walk with Tiff and Trueblood to visit the neighboring horses
8. goofing off with my camera
9. a restoring conversation with Rebecca
10. being surrounded by friends for a whole weekend away from life

1 comment:

Lippy said...

LOVE the goofy pictures!