Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Never Forget

These photos are from the Peace Officers Memorial in Washington, DC. They were taken by my dad, Gary McCaleb. This dad has shown respect and honor to my dad, William H Murie, and has shown devotion and love to my mom and sisters through the decades, never jealous or threatened by the man gone before him.

Both are the most honorable men I know; the first in giving his life in honor, and the second in living his life in honor.

Both are my heroes. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

one person

one person
tall but small

courage to shove the worry aside
block it at the door
no entering in

in life's dark and rattling moments
You bring courage and put me where
and when
You want me

feeling unprepared and
awkward and inept
Your words flow
Your grace floods through

in my smallness
You give me with courage
and grace and truth

help me be small in worry
and tall in what is good

I am just a tall and small person
but willing
willing for You to move me
and use me and put me where
courage and grace and truth
will change me and
lend hope to those I touch

You are all I need

Sunday, November 9, 2014

So, I'm not a feminist - part 9

Kevin Williamson's latest NRO article is brilliant. Below are a couple excerpts:

Thus do the champions of diversity and women’s autonomy reveal themselves: If a woman believes that perhaps Barack Obama and Harry Reid are doing the country more harm than good — if a woman believes that lower taxes are in fact a pretty important issue — that’s not a disagreement: It’s a sign that something is “wrong with you.” Pro-choice? Sure, but not when it comes to your politics — on that subject, the Left is as anti-choice and ruthlessly conformist as it is possible to be.

Who do Americans want to be when they grow up? Do women aspire to a life like Julia’s, or to one more like that of Lieutenant Colonel Joni Ernst? Would you rather be a sanctimonious sack of woe, like Wendy Davis, or a happy warrior, like Mia Love? Would you rather vote for a party that speaks to you as a citizen, family member, entrepreneur, taxpayer, etc. — or one that insists you owe it not only your vote but your obedience simply because you have a certain configuration of chromosomes or a certain surname?

It is one of life’s little ironies that it is the feminists and the party of so-called women’s issues who in the 21st century still have not quite figured out that women are individuals, and that there is more to them than the sum of their parts.

Read more of the article here