Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Won't Back Down

I am on solid ground. When all is lost, all is left to gain. You ran off the darkest night. You gave me second life. And kept me in this fight.... some of my favorite words from Mat Kearney. Here's the rest of the song:

You woke the morning up
Running off the darkest night
The longest light I've seen

Here goes a chance I know
Cashing in on all my chips
Let all my ships come fly

These days, a little bit longer than the last
And all of your ways, a little bit stronger than the past
And your light, found my bottle in the night
Kept me in this fight, gave me second life

And I won't back down
I won't turn around and around
And I won't back down
Doesn't matter what comes crashing down
I'm still gonna stand my solid ground

You found me once and for all
I laid it down in the sinking ground
The hopeless undertow

Singing out the gentle sound
Rattling through my smoking screens
My broken dreams last night

Hallelujah ripped through my veins
I heard the hammer drop
My blood in the rain
Hallelujah came like a train
When all is lost
All is left to gain


I have felt God's hand and His comfort. He is good, our Shepherd who restores our souls.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Northeast Adventures

I'm back from my trip to the northeast. This picture was taken on a hike we did on Saturday, up Mount Tom near Woodstock, VT. It was a 4.5 mile hike and absolutely beautiful. I went a little picture happy and came back with 250+ photos.

It was a great trip, not only because of the beautiful scenery I got to capture on camera, but also because it was a reunion with old friends. These friends know me well. It was good to catch up with them and have long talks over Pumpkin Spice coffee with the kids clamoring in the background.

The rest of my trip consisted of:
  • Taking 400+ photos of kids and colors
  • Going on the hike up Mt. Tom
  • Touring the VT countryside with Barbara and seeing a bunch of covered bridges
  • Playing Chinese checkers and losing badly
  • Hearing a sermon on the importance and philosophy of praise music in church
  • Long talks late into the night every night
  • A discussion on world events and politics with Chris (and our mutual conclusion that the news makes us depressed)
  • Soaking up the crisp fall air and wishing I could take some of it back to TX with me
This was my 7th trip back to VT and NH. I hope it will be the 7th of many more trips to come!
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Friday, October 12, 2007

Northeast Adventures

I'm visiting good friends up in NH and VT this week. My time here has consisted of the following:
  • Waking up to four adorable blond kids begging me to get out of bed
  • Taking pictures of the four adorable blond kids
  • Climbing apple trees while on a conference call for work
  • Drinking tea and pumpkin spice coffee to stay warm
  • Staying up late talking with Bethany and Chris
  • Catching up with Barb on the way back from the airport
  • Soaking in the crisp fall air
  • Playing hide and seek last night before bedtime
  • Reading books to the kids to try to settle them down (sorry Bethany)
  • An early morning pillow fight this morning
More adventures to come, I'm sure... will keep you all posted

Monday, October 8, 2007

First Annual Fummer Festival

I had a super weekend camping with friends at Guadalupe State Park.

I started the trip worn out from my week and badly needing a break from my laptop, cell phone, and homework. I ended the trip remembering that God is big - much bigger than anything I'm worried or concerned about.

Praise him, sun and moon, praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! Psalm 148:3-4

For more fun, see our top 10 on Tiff's blog. I'm eternally grateful for Marianne and Jeremy rescue efforts on my behalf. And I plead the 5th on any incriminations in Tiff's recount of the weekend.