The evilness of Planned Parenthood (PP) has been brought to light. Its evilness is far darker than 18th and 19th century slavery and the Holocaust and all wars, combined. May the light we've seen so far only be the earliest stages of the dawn, opening into a day where this entity will cease to exist.
There's an "and" to this.
And for every baby killed in the caverns of PP, there's a woman who lives. A woman* who lives with any possible form of emotion found on the grand scale of emotions -- maybe relief, maybe pride for "exercising the right to her choice", maybe seemingly indifferent, maybe tormented.
This blog post is for the tormented.
So to the woman who is tormented: I have mulled over this post for several weeks now, ever since the first PP video came out. I have put it off, since I'm just a single woman who has never faced the choice to go through an abortion. Who I am to have anything to say? What right do I have to think I can speak into this? And you're probably right: I have no words and I don't understand the emotions you feel or the path you've been on. But I do have arms that can hug and tears to share (some of the tears have already been shed). I wish we could sit down over tea and just talk it out**. I'd tell you it would be okay and there is a path out of the cavern, out of the torment. I'd call you my sister and my friend and remind you you are not alone.
I would tell about Him who is Faithful and True and will wipe every tear from your eye and will make all things new and who went to Hell and back for you and who loves you like no other, even as he knows every detail of your life. I'd tell you that He is faithful and true to you and He will heal you completely. I would stop you when you say what you've done is beyond His grasp of healing. I would remind you that He who created the stars and knows each hair on your head loves you more than you could ever comprehend and wants to heal your heart completely.
So friend, I'm so sorry the past few weeks have been torturous. I pray that the light we've seen in the media of late can somehow bring you into the Light - the Light who will calm your fears and heal your heart and give you back your joy and peace and hope.
*this post doesn't even try address the men, grandparents, siblings who are part of this.
** if you are this woman and you want to have tea, please email me at kmac0909 at gmail dot com.