Monday, September 8, 2014


The McGary Gang have been in Texas for the past month or so and I'm in heaven (if not also a little worn out). A few cherished memories:
  • evening walks with the boys, answering their non-stop "why" questions
  • making morning mugs (this drink of choice is appropriate at any time of the day)
  • watching How To Tame Your Dragon at least 12 times in the last two weeks
  • playing in the sprinkler to their loud delight. I strategically man the hose, so as to not get completely soaked
  • gentle nuzzles from Jev-bug
  • Smelty Caleb catching my eye and drawing me in with his charm. He's a real charm bucket
  • beefy laughs and squeals from Jev-bug as he does his "Cheerio walk" each evening
  • horseback rides on Caspian and teaching the boys "whoa" and "walk on"
  • reading from the Jesus Storybook Bible and watching their rapt attention
  • crazy, loud playtimes with the Turkeydogs and watching friendships develop. I now see how some best-friend-ships do sprout at a young age
  • dinner picnics at the barn in the back of the truck
  • just living day to day life with these little (big) boys and savoring every moment 

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