Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My letter to Mr. Jobs

 Mr. Jobs,

I am writing this from my MacBook Pro which I love very much. I recently purchased it and it is a joy to use. Your product line is stellar and worthy of commendation.

However, your intolerant stance on applications that can and cannot be added into your universe of Apple ingenuity is not so stellar.

You are of the mind that you are standing for tolerance by limiting applications of certain "cultural and or ethnic" (such as the Manhattan Declaration), but, using basic logic, your "tolerant" stance immediately makes you intolerant of whomever your are standing up against. You are not tolerant after all.

Are you also limiting iPhone applications of other "cultural or ethnic" groups whose basic religious beliefs is make to war and kill those who would oppose their religious beliefs? The religion you are currently targeting is a following whose King died for His enemies and forgave his foes. Consider whom your tolerance or intolerance is against and reconsider being a bit more open-minded to all "cultural or ethnic" entities who desire to use your stellar products.

Krista McCaleb

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