Monday, May 11, 2015

a tender heart

A tender heart: something I've been thinking about quite a bit lately.

What is it, why is it important, and what does it take to keep one?

I would define a tender heart as something strong but soft. "Steel wrapped in mink." Believing that Hope is never lost, beauty can always be found, and forgiveness trumps every wrong. It has a realistic viewpoint that this side of eternity there will be pain and evil and enemies. It is not naive to think that hurt will not be experienced and dealt. It knows that even though some days are really really bad, the years are sweet and eternity is glorious. 

Why is this important? Because a tender heart is the antidote to bitterness, the cancer of our souls. It fights off the accusations of the enemy while delivering encouragement to the faint of heart. It shoots down evil by giving comfort to the hurting. It shows the dark side that Hope always has the last word and the good guys win in the end.

How do we keep a tender heart? This article sums it up: "We will live in the reality of life instead of in our hidden expectations of how we want to be treated. We will choose to not be offended or hurt. [In the midst of great pain, we choose] kindness, compassion and love."

Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true.) Ephesians 5:8-9

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Because a tender heart is the antidote to bitterness, the cancer of our souls.... best part.. how to be soft in a hard world.. important.