Saturday, May 23, 2015


this past year has been a year of me learning my limitations. it's been painful and very hard.

here's what i've learned about them:
  • they smack me like a brick wall when i run up against them
  • they are good
  • they are foreign to how i want to live
  • they are in a constant war with my desire to please people
  • they are in a constant war with my desire to help and encourage people

not living within limitations: 
  • is delusional
  • never ends well
  • gets us quickly into serious trouble
  • is denial that we're human and not God
  • prevents us from doing what we're called to do 
  • is rooted in pride

living within limitations looks like this:
  • it's really really hard
  • it is not giving someone something you have but they have no right to
  • it is not giving someone something you have but they have not earned the right to
  • giving someone your time and energy within a reasonable construct
  • not giving in to the feeling of failure when you can't help someone
  • having the energy and tools to do what you're called to do
  • protecting your ability to fulfill your responsibilities 
  • people won't understand your limitations and will likely misinterpret your inability to help them 

1 comment:

Gary said...

Again, spot on. Life and faith has brought you wisdom, daughter dear....