Monday, November 26, 2012

So, I'm not a feminist - part 8

It's been a few years since I've done this series, and this article encouraged me to start this series up again.

The excerpts below are good:

"You’d think the feminist elevation of agency would result in women who take pride in being responsible for their own bodies. You’d hope that telling women that they can do whatever they want would imply that they’re responsible for what they do. You’d think serious feminists would argue that true empowerment is something you lay claim to, not something the federal government dispenses in all its benevolence."

"In fact, for all practical purposes, the patriarchy no longer decides whom American women can sleep with and when. That’s great. But if you don’t want men in Washington telling you how to use your sexuality, you shouldn’t expect them to subsidize it."

Preach it, sister. 

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