Monday, December 3, 2012

This time last year, part 12

This day of the tour we went to the Israel Museum to see the model of Jerusalem at 66AD. While there, we also went to the Shrine of the Book, which houses and displays the Dead Sea Scrolls when they are not on world tour. From there we headed back to the Old City, to the location of the Upper Room and then Caiaphas' House where Jesus was most likely held prisoner prior to going to Pilot. After this, we went to the Garden Tomb and the likely site of Golgotha. We spend quite a bit of time there, and ended our tour there with communion. Later that night a group of us went to Ben Yehuda street and the Mamilla to do some shopping and relaxing.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
May they be secure who love you!

                               Psalm 122:6

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