Friday, March 6, 2009

Frustrated? part 2

A series of annoying thoughts (and recognizing that I may be doing the get-too-personal-on-my-blog thing)...
  • I'm wondering (and frustrated) about this apparent fork in the road somewhere back in time for me.
  • Does the fork in the road back then necessarily preclude me from meeting/seeing my match now?
  • Another annoying thought: "why bother with the career and education if all you were designed to do was raise kids and make meals?"
  • And if all a woman was designed to do is have/raise kids, I guess that means I've missed out, am missing out on what I was designed to do? Like my life doesn't start until I get married? Something about this doesn't add up.
  • Yet another nagging thought: "am I too far down the career path?" Aren't a lot of guys turned off from the "career woman"? Are they going to be intimidated that I have a good career, that I have a master's degree (almost), that I love the world of business and see it as my field of missions? That I don't equate marriage with the beginning of a meaningful life?
  • Was the Proverbs 31 woman's husband intimidated by her business(es), her people management, her involvement in the community? Did she struggle with fitting into cultural expectations?
  • Oh - and just how does one balance young kids and career simultaneously? I have yet to see both done well. I tend to think that at least for a time the outside-the-home vocation must be shelved for a time while the kids are tiny-small-medium sized.
  • Are my struggles unique? weird? a turn-off?
  • And is it really a fork in the road? Or do I have the wrong model in my head?
So readers, forgive my random ramblings that edge toward the cheesy. Running the race...


Mrs. Miller said...

This series of posts is very thought-provoking. Now if I could just talk with you about them over a cup of coffee, life would be lovely.

Your skills, experience, and education will be an asset to your husband and a source of great joy and pride to him.

Your struggles and questions are normal and very encouraging. I had a lot of them. Then I got married and and kids, Now have new ones. Am I wasting my life b/c I spend my days playing with a one year old, cleaning my house, and cooking for my family? Why does the world think I'm a dummy who just settled when this mom-thing is stinkin' hard!!? Did I settle? Would working on the side harm my child or my marriage?

At the end of the day, it seems we have to walk by the Spirit, trusting that God knows our hearts and he is writing our stories. And we have to sift, with wisdom, through the advice of the loving (though not always right) community around us.

Mrs. Miller said...

This series of posts is very thought-provoking. Now if I could just talk with you about them over a cup of coffee, life would be lovely.

Your skills, experience, and education will be an asset to your husband and a source of great joy and pride to him.

Your struggles and questions are normal and very encouraging. I had a lot of them. Then I got married and and kids, Now have new ones. Am I wasting my life b/c I spend my days playing with a one year old, cleaning my house, and cooking for my family? Why does the world think I'm a dummy who just settled when this mom-thing is stinkin' hard!!? Did I settle? Would working on the side harm my child or my marriage?

At the end of the day, it seems we have to walk by the Spirit, trusting that God knows our hearts and he is writing our stories. And we have to sift, with wisdom, through the advice of the loving (though not always right) community around us.

hlw said...

Any chance these blogs are coincidently posted at the same time as a specific sermon series? I haven't heard any myself...but I heard that was the current topic at your church.